Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Encouragement for Writers at the Five Below Stores

Hello Writers,

 Yesterday, while visiting the Five Below Store, I was surprised to find a large selection of books for writers. They have books on writing prompts, journals, and a game. My curiosity was peaked. I bought the game. It included a book with very good writing information for the new author and a deck of cards with suggestions to encourage and stretch the imagination. I find this to be a testament to the ever-increasing popularity of writing.
I've always considered the Five Below stores to be a young person's shop. (In case you've never been to a Five Below store, everything inside cost five dollars or less. Games, toys, sports equipment, a small selection of clothes, phone accessories, novelty tee-shirts, room decor, books, candy, etc.)

It's a joy to learn more and more young people are interested in the arts and stretching their imaginations through storytelling. I shouldn't be surprised as my teen niece wrote her first short story and submitted it into a contest through school. She "placed" in the contest, winning an award and an interview for the newspaper.
My twelve-year-old granddaughter has also shown a new interest in writing. She's shared with me her opening paragraph of a work in progress for school last week. We also brain-stormed an idea she has for a fiction piece. I'm very proud and excited.

I'm sending a big SHOUT OUT to Five Below for adding books and games to encourage writing, to your stock sitting along-side books on music, painting, crafts, etc.
I can't wait to read what's in the imaginations of our young people!

Keep Writing, Keep Submitting, and Keep Smiling!