Friday, May 27, 2011

MAKING time to write....are you a part timer or a full timer?

It's been almost a week since I've posted anything here or Written anything at all! I'm not sure why it is that life gets busy and writing gets put on the back burner. But unfortunately it does, not just for me but for most "Part-time" authors. Of course if we don't MAKE our writing a huge priority, we will ALWAYS be part time writers.....or regular people with Writing listed as a hobby!
I find myself in that predicament. I think about "writing and submitting" at least once a day!
I've found myself writing or doing something productive for my writing like research or organizing only twice a week over the month of May.   NOT ACCEPTABLE!  I need to get back on track beginning today!
How about You? 
Keep Smiling and Keep Writing!  : )

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How are you all doing with SUBMITTING your work?

We're already 5 months into 2011 and I'm wondering if you all are Submitting your work?
Has anyone had any responses?  Good or Bad, I'd love to hear about it!

I've entered three writing contests. One, I didn't place and the other two are still pending.
I'm still working on the edits on my romance novel and I should be wrapping it up shortly. Then I DO plan to "put it out there!" Actually, I'm excited about it. I feel good about it.
The edits on my Young Adult novel have been put on hold until I finish the above project and get it SUBMITTED, then I will finish up that project.

As you can see, I'm feeling very motivated and wish the same for YOU!
Best Wishes and Keep Writing!  : )