Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How are your submissions going?

Okay everyone, we are already half way through the month of June and worse news, we're halfway through  2011! I can't believe it! Time is flying by and summer fun will be keeping us outdoors and away from our keyboards. I'm sending out a pep talk to everyone to keep on writing and submitting! Submit, Submit, Submit! Let's Get Published!
  On Monday, I submitted a short story to the Senior Executive Editor of Red Room who has sent it out for consideration. As soon as I hear ..., whether good or bad, I'll let you all know. But I do want to say, whatever happens it felt AWESOME to send it out!  Now it's back to the EDITING process for my novel. It was good to take a break from the novel editing process to work on the short story. I needed a short break. I feel that my mind is in a better place now. I'm looking at the work with a fresh eye. Yesterday and today the corrections seemed to jump off the page. I highly recommend taking a break if you find yourself nodding off during revisions. (Not that I'm saying I did ....smiling....)
If you haven't been there before, check out   Another great website for writers!
Keep Writing!  : )

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Blog Recommendation For You!

  There is SO much to learn when it comes to writing. Especially now with the fast paced changing environment of e-publishing. 
There is an Author who writes an amazing blog that I have got to share with you. I've signed up to receive his blogs as an email.  His name is Nathan Bransford and he wrote a children's story. His main character is Jacob Wonderbar.
Nathan's blog is so so up-to-date informative. It is geared for writers of all genres.  Current events in the Writing World are all covered in his blogs. He does all of the "work" for us by finding all of this excellent material every aspiring author should read and puts it in one easy-to-read blog. I personally spend hours and I mean literally hours reading his blog and clicking on the links he's provided and learning from those as well.
I cannot stress enough the wide array of good data on EVERY aspect of writing that is covered on Nathan's blogs. I'd also like to send him a BIG thank you for making it easy for me to become educated!
I hope you all take a look! 
Keep Writing and Keep Smiling!  : )