Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Vote For Me !

Hello Everyone! So, after a few glitches with the submission process, Harlequin got things straightened out and my Pitch and First Chapter entry is now live! Wow! I'm excited!
 I hope you'll stop over by clicking on this link and have a read.
The public are being asked to vote. I hope you'll stop by and have a read. If you like my First Chapter and think you'd like to see what happens next, you'll give me a vote. There is one vote per day for a week beginning on October 2nd.
This particular story has been written for the Love Inspired Line.
I think romantics and dog lovers and people who enjoy wedding shows will all like this story.
Thanks for listening! (Smiling..)

Keep Writing and Keep Smiling!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Enter your Novel in the HQ SYTHCW contest, I DID!

Hi Fellow Writer and Readers!
 Today was the first day to submit your novel to  It's a contest run by Harlequin Romance. They are looking for New Voices. It's a wonderful opportunity! You have until the end of the week to submit and then the judging begins. Judging will come from the public! YOU will be able to vote once each day beginning October 2nd, for one week!
 I am shamelessly giving you my information and I'm hoping you'll stop out there and read my first chapter. If you enjoy it and would like to see more of my novel, please vote for me!
 Thanks!  Look down the list for my entry or use the drop down window
               Pick the category,  Love Inspired
The name of my novel is Couldn't Love That Dog More 
                                       By Mary Staller
 I hope you'll read my first chapter entry and if you enjoy it and would like to read more please vote for me!

Keep Writing and Always Keep Smiling!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 4 of So You Think You Can Write Conference

Hello Fellow Authors! I hope you Romance Writers managed to get some time in at the Harlequin SYTYCW conference. There was so much good information again today. (Thursday), I know I'm posting very late tonight. I've been writing and lost track of time.
There was a great BLOG discussing Grammar mistakes that really bother the Editors. It was a wonderfully funny and helpful blog. Take a look at it if you get the chance.
There was also a really great BLOG about Finding the Essence of your Plot in two sentences. Also great information and really helpful if you are out somewhere and asked the what is your WIP about. You can jump in with a quick couple of sentences that sum it all up...because really many people just want the short version ..., they just want that quick answer to see if they might be interested in hearing more.
There were also two really great online chats I participated in. (Yes, I'm finally learning to Tweet!)
The first was talking to Editors about the Revision process and the second was a live chat filling us in on what an Acquisitions Editor does.

I'm receiving a lot of  wonderful information from this conference. But one thing I'd like to say is the HQ Editors are amazing and patient people. They are not the intimidating people that are sometimes described in writing advice articles. They WANT to help us to be the best that we can be and they want to publish our stories. They do expect us to do our best but won't write us off if we show our human side and make a mistake.
 I was so nervous the first time I "pitched" a story that I perspired and stuttered so badly that my time was up and I hadn't been able to even "read" my pitch from the index card I was holding. It was terribly humiliating. I think the editor I pitched to wanted to cry for me! (Smiling.......I can smile about it now.) She told me to remember that Agents and Editors are humans and not to be so nervous. After joining in these online chats with the editors I feel I can tell you with confidence that you need NOT EVER be that nervous!
Keep Smiling and Keep Writing!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So you think you can write conference

Today I hopped out there and joined the Editors with a Twitter session. This particular session was to help you decide which Line your manuscript is suited for. We tweeted a short pitch and the editors guessed what line they thought matched our story.
This was my first time "Tweeting" and first time participating and I really enjoyed it! I think you ALL should join in.
 There's a full schedule of events for this week so find the Calendar of Events and enjoy the free advice. It's priceless information and it feels good to actually get to hear from the Editors.

For me, I've become torn regarding my manuscript. I originally geared it for Inspirational but there are some elements in my story that do NOT completely fit the guidelines. I do enjoy writing in a bit of fun and sassy elements so I think I have more editing to do to get it to fit the mold.

Although the new line called Heartwarming may be the fit I'm looking for. I am thinking it is. But I'll review the guidelines again and figure it out.

(** I didn't realize "miracles" are not allowed in Christian writing...surprised me!)

Give yourself a treat and head out to Harlequin's conference/contest!
Keep Smiling and Keep Writing!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ROMANCE WRITERS ~ So You Think You Can Write Contest

HARLEQUIN is sponsoring a wonderful writing contest. This is a great way for New Authors to gain  priceless knowledge and have a chance to land a CONTRACT!
Go to
This week they are offering a free conference. We're gaining valuable information right from the mouths of 50 Harlequin Editors! How amazing is that?!!!

Then next week the first phase of the contest begins. Submissions will be accepted until September 30th.
Join me in this great opportunity to be discovered!

    So far I've spent a lot of time trying to learn how to TWITTER! If you twitter you can participate in these wonderful "discussions" with actual editors! It's so wonderful! I'm hoping to be more successful tomorrow!