Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Care Giving and the Writer's Life


TIME is precious. Days pass in the blink of an eye and suddenly you realize the days have turned into months.

Finding time to write becomes last on your list of priorities. However, if writing brings you joy, and if you're reading this blogpost, I suspect it does, then we must write.

I have been in this place. I'd missed my critique group meetings. When I did manage to attend, I had nothing to share. My wonderfully supportive members understood, but encouraged me to write. They know how much writing means to me.

Some caregivers may find that writing down their feelings is cathartic. If this helps to relieve stress or heartache, please do it. 

For me, writing is a wonderful form of escapism. Losing myself in a world of silly, simple, and happy stories helps me to let go of the feelings that tug on my heart throughout the day. As I get lost in my make believe world, I feel my mood lift and my shoulders relax.

Now, I'm getting back into the groove. I take a little time at night, when the day is done to write. I print out my short stories and do some edits while sitting in the doctor's waiting room. Any time I can sneak in a bit of writing or spend time mentally creating, I take it. And it's happening! I've submitted a short story to Chicken Soup for the Soul and I've made the short list. I'm hoping to get the final notice any day now.

I'm finishing the final edits on a little children's story and a YA entry for a contest. Wish me Luck! 🤞

As an added bonus, I'm sharing my stories with my ill Dad and he's loving it!

Big Hugs to all of the caregivers out there 😍

Keep Writing, Keep Smiling, and Keep Submitting