Thursday, November 3, 2011

NANOWRIMO 2011 is on!!

Hello Fellow Writers!  The month of November is National Novel Write in a month challenge. You spend the month challenging yourself to write a 50,000 word novel from beginning to end in one month. I enjoy this challenge very much! You don't get any actual prizes and you don't get any promises of publication or exposure but you DO get self satisfaction when you complete the challenge. Not only that but you also have the great beginning of a good project to work on over the next year. I wrote my first messy draft of the novel I mentioned in my previous post during a November NANO challenge. I've entered the NANOWRIMO challenge twice and both times I've successfully completed the challenge. I hope many more will enter and enjoy the craziness of it all! Especially if you sign up now you're already a few days behind! (That's how I did it last year and I also worked on the first draft of a YA novel. That is still in the first draft stage.)
I've chosen not to enter this month due to my health and other projects I'm pushing to complete. But I think it's a BLAST and I recommend it to anyone, especially those who start a novel but never can get themselves to finish!
Keep Smiling and Keep Writing and submitting!        : )

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