Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Month left in 2011

Just checking in and hoping that lots and lots of my writing friends have submitted your writing projects for publication! I've been pushing for publication in 2011. So far I have not heard anything on two projects but still keeping my fingers crossed! How are you all doing?
No Matter What we can't give up. Keep writing and submitting. I also am wondering if anyone signed up for NANOWRIMO this year? Did you make the word count by the end of November?
Let's just inundate the publishing houses this month with as much of our writing as we can before the New Year! Then we'll see if we can submit more pieces in 2012 then we did in 2011.

Keep Writing and Keep Smiling!  : )


  1. Thanks for the encouragement to all of us who are trying to get published. I've been working on a collection of humorous family essays for 2 years now--it's almost done. I thought about self-publishing but I'd rather try the traditional route through an agent first. In the meantime I'm blogging funny stuff about the menopausal years. I'm still fairly new at blogging---still learning! Anyway, I really like your blog site. good job!

    1. Hello menopausal mama! What a nice surprise it was to see your comment out here! Thank you for the nice things you said. I wish you all the very BEST of luck with your book. Whatever you do, NEVER get discouraged and NEVER give up! With all of the options out there we should all be published right?! But make sure you check out ALL of the options and look very thoroughly at the "Self Publishers" before purchasing.
      I'd love to read an excerpt from your book and when your ready I'll put out a comment on my other Blog as well! I try and share the humorous side of being 50+.
      Again, Thanks for writing and I hope to see you here again soon! Best Wishes! Keep Writing and Keep Smiling : )

  2. My other Blog A Woman's Life at 50+
