Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Why Picture Prompts?

Hi Fellow Writers,

A picture prompt is a writing challenge inspired by an image. The image is meant to kick-start your imagination and get those creative juices flowing.

Pictures have been used to stimulate the imagination for as long as I can remember. When I was in school, my favorite weekend homework assignment was the picture prompt. The entire class were given the same image of the most random scene with instructions to write a short story sparked by that photo.
I am fascinated at the range of interpretations. That is a WOW moment for me. It's a true pleasure to read an entirely different story inspired by the same picture.

Why not give it a try, now with the picture above. (I took that photograph last year.)

Take 15 minutes to simply look at the picture. Notice the details.
What questions come to mind?

Where is this person?
Why is he there?
What is he looking for or at?
What is the weather like?
What is the time of day?
What feeling does the image emote in you?

Are scenarios forming in your head? If so, start writing. Let the image inspire you. It doesn't have to be literal to the photo. Free write and have fun with it.

I believe picture prompts just may recharge your battery if you've been suffering from writer's block.

Take advantage of picture prompt contests.  Writer's Digest Magazine runs picture prompt contests. In fact, WD's YOURSTORY contest #97 is open for submissions right now! The deadline is April 8, 2019.
Look for details in the Writer's Digest March/April 2019 issue in print, (page 51), or check out the online magazine.
I entered this contest last week and can't wait to read the winners stories to see their interpretation of the image provided and how it differs from mine.

If you decide to write a story sparked by the above photo, I'd love to read it. I hope you'll share it with us in the comment box below.

Keep Writing, Keep Submitting and Keep Smiling!


  1. Thanks, Mary for suggesting picture prompts. I had a bit of writers block. It lit a fire in me and now the creative juices are bursting from my head to pen.

  2. I love to read this! Best wishes for great success with your submissions,
