Monday, June 17, 2019

Dusting off a forgotten old manuscript is a real eye-opener!

Hi Writers 🙋

Do you have old writing projects saved on your computer or yellowing in a hanging file folder in a rusty metal filing cabinet? Many of us do. As a matter of fact, my current WIP is one of those old manuscripts.

I challenge you to dust off an old project. Pour yourself a strong cup of coffee or tea and find a comfortable place to relax. Thoughtfully, read through a manuscript you previously thought was unworthy of submission or one that failed in the submission process.
As you read, your first reaction will most likely be ... ugh! Don't fret! It's a good thing.
           You are realizing how much you've grown and how much you've improved.
If you've been studying the craft, joining writer's groups, attending conferences, and participating in online workshops/podcast; you've been learning and growing.

Today, I read a post from an author who found success by resurrecting an old project. She "changed it up a bit", then submitted the piece into a contest. She did not place in the contest. The story doesn't end there. The author tucked it aside again. She let it sit for a year or more. Recently, she resurrected the piece again. She corrected the grammar errors and tightened it up. She submitted it into another contest. This time she won first place including a monetary prize. The point is, her years of studying and experience paid off in a big way.

This challenge is also a great way to fight off writer's block. Never sit staring at a blank page. Take a break from the struggle and be productive. Pull out an old dusty project and work on it ruthlessly. Pat yourself on the back for seeing the mistakes and improving the piece. Submit your hard work to a magazine or contest. With your creative brain in high gear, you just may find you're ready to get back to your current work in progress with an excited mind. (Working on a short story contest is how I take a break from my novel in progress. It helps me to keep submitting during the long novel writing and editing process.)

Why not give it a try?!
Keep Writing, Keep Submitting, and Keep Smiling!

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