Saturday, April 20, 2013


Today I read a Blog Post on the Subject of Self-Publishing. Boy it hurt my heart. My short version is this ..., a very generous Book Store Owner allowed many self published authors into her store to do book signings. It sounds as though this wonderful person did the full out tables, snack etc. for these Authors. She also bought many books and actually had a section devoted to self-published authors. Unfortunately, these books have not been selling. She has lost money taking a chance and is not wanting to continue carrying self-published works. It saddens me for her and for these authors. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to that Book Store Owner for her efforts.
For the authors of those books, (should you by some chance read this blog), if you want a real shot at your books selling get yourself a good MARKETING PLAN. Do it yourself! Don't rely on expensive marketing packages offered by some of these self-publishing companies. YOU need to work just as hard or harder at marketing yourself and your product as you did in creating your wonderful book. Self-publishing is a business. It is only the rare few that become "Break-Out" Authors whether you're self-published or traditionally published. In both instances you have to continuously put yourself out there and sell your work.


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