Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Have you been writing your heart out? It's time to submit those stories!

People are spending more time in the house during this pandemic and looking for ways to be entertained.  More people have taken up writing. Some write for publication, some as stress relief, some to document this historic time around the world. Whatever your reasons are, I hope you will consider submitting your work. There are more opportunities to enter contests than I've ever seen.

I put down my novel in progress and took a break to write for contests. Not only was I ready for a break and needing to put some distance between my novel characters and myself, I was ready for some fun. Everyone needs some fun during these rough times. 

I loved the flash fiction and flash nonfiction contests as well as short story opportunities. There are so many online right now. Some have themes or prompts and some are open to most genres.

So I brushed the dust from some old pieces of writing to edit/update and wrote a few new pieces. (In case you didn't know, I love the challenge of a word count as well as finding short story writing to be fun.) I guess I entered four flash fiction contests and a short story contest. I also wrote and submitted a short story for consideration of an upcoming 2021 Chicken Soup for the Soul book. It'll be awhile before I know if it is selected or not.

One contest, WOW-Women on Writing, offered a written critique of the entry pieces for an additional nominal fee of $10. How amazing to have a professional editor critique your piece for $10?!  I took advantage of that with two

of my pieces.  I'm happy to report, the critiques were worth every penny. They not only told me where the pieces went wrong, but also where the pieces went right, which is just as important.

At the time of this writing, two of my pieces were selected to be published in an anthology, which should be out locally some time this month. I also have a flash nonfiction piece that has made it as a Finalist with the winners being announced by December 21st. I will keep you posted. I had 2 pieces that did not place but one received such an encouraging critique, I felt like I'd won.

All in all, I'm doing pretty well and it feels really good. I wish for all writers to feel really good.

So put your writing out there and I wish you smashing success in 2021. 

Drop me a comment and let me know how it goes.

Have a Happy, Healthy, and Blessed Holiday Season 💖

Keep Writing, Keep Submitting, and Keep Smiling! 



  1. I'm stil submitting--it gives me something to look forward to! And omg that bunny is adorable!!

    1. Hi menopausal mama, I hope my reply publishes this time. I've tried twice before ??? Not sure why it didn't . I'm so happy to read you are submitting. You're right it is something to look forward to. Best wishes for great success. About the bunny... a woman was walking it in Dunedin one Christmas season and posing it for pictures to use as Christmas cards. How clever. Thank you for reading my blog post and have a Healthy & Happy New Year!
