Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So you think you can write conference

Today I hopped out there and joined the Editors with a Twitter session. This particular session was to help you decide which Line your manuscript is suited for. We tweeted a short pitch and the editors guessed what line they thought matched our story.
This was my first time "Tweeting" and first time participating and I really enjoyed it! I think you ALL should join in.
 There's a full schedule of events for this week so find the Calendar of Events and enjoy the free advice. It's priceless information and it feels good to actually get to hear from the Editors.

For me, I've become torn regarding my manuscript. I originally geared it for Inspirational but there are some elements in my story that do NOT completely fit the guidelines. I do enjoy writing in a bit of fun and sassy elements so I think I have more editing to do to get it to fit the mold.

Although the new line called Heartwarming may be the fit I'm looking for. I am thinking it is. But I'll review the guidelines again and figure it out.

(** I didn't realize "miracles" are not allowed in Christian writing...surprised me!)

Give yourself a treat and head out to Harlequin's conference/contest!
Keep Smiling and Keep Writing!